You can be part of a bigger change in ensuring people in rural areas of Africa can live a long, healthy and happy life with access to clean drinking water, sanitation and hygiene. In partnership with WellFound, there are endless opportunities to engage with both your customers and employees, and create visible and significant changes on the ground. 100% of all funds raised goes directly to projects on the ground. Therefore you know that all your donation has made 100% difference in people’s life.There are a number of ways we could work together. Please download our corporate pack for further information or for an informal chat, please contact Dr Antony Kingsley, CEO of WellFound on 0207 998 7376 or email

• Golf Day 2016 – United Rental Group: “It was an absolute pleasure – the day was great from start to finish thanks to the great organisation…a really good team effort all in all.”
• Ladies Golf Day 2016:
• Charity Ball 2015 – Caritas Mondial: “It was a pleasure working with you guys and we had very good reviews for the event. Everyone enjoyed the night and not to forget Howard’s presentation – it made a lot of difference towards donations”.
Working in partnership with Trusts and Foundations allows us to bring sustainable changes in the lives of people in Africa. WellFound brings wealth of community development and project management experience to bring about desired changes. We work in the very remotest places and continue to support communities for at least three years after the initial work.
We deliver sustainable projects through:
• Working in partnership with the community. We encourage them to participate through volunteering, contributing to a community maintenance fund and to taking ownership of the facilities provided.
• Working with other local NGOs and partners to bring immense local knowledge and support.
• Providing match funding from WellFound’s own fundraising efforts.
• Deploying expert staff and volunteers for project management
“…A community leader explained the impact of one of the projects by saying ‘Having the pump has completely changed the image of our village’ and went on to explain how neighbouring villages now aspire to have a pump and the population has been inspired by the changes to their lives. As a result, he and several others have started a community association to work on other aspects of community development.” – Quote from an Independent Evaluation of our work, 2017.
For a full copy of this Independent Evaluation please contact:
Dr Antony Kingsley
0207 998 7376

If you are the Trustee of a charitable trust that shares our vision, please get in touch. With many communities in urgent need of our support, we would be delighted to speak to you about specific projects that suit your charitable objectives.
We thank all trusts and foundations who supported WellFound with its operation.
• Foreign and Commonwealth Department (UK) previously known as UKAID/DFID
• Waterloo Foundation
• British Embassy (Senegal)
• US Embassy (Senegal)
• Dutch Embassy (Senegal)
• Peter Stebbings Memorial Charity
• Action4Schools
• British Association of Social Workers
• The Carmela and Ronnie Pignatelli Foundation
• Bishop Radford Trust
• The Wyn and Ken Lo Memorial fund
• Rotary Clubs
WellFound believes in working with local and international NGOs, and with charities that have specific expertise in water and sanitation programmes along with economic development, agriculture and health aspects. We are very keen to form partnerships for mutual learning and innovation. Through well-structured memorandum of understanding, and through a very flexible approach to community development, we have the experience of delivering effectively through partnerships.
WellFound is working in partnership with the following organisation sin Africa:
• Red Cross
• Caritas
• Guinea Bissau
• West Africa Vocational School
• Action Guinea Bissau
We would love to hear from you if you are working or intend working in West Africa. Please email us on or for an informal conversation, please ask for Dr Antony Kingsley, on 0207 998 7376.
By working with schools and colleges, WellFound can help children learn about third-world countries, and the issues faced by the people and also encourage children to take part in team-building and fundraising activities. This helps them to become responsible global citizens. WellFound has a variety of ideas and activities that contribute to the national curriculum. WellFound also works with leading universities in research, internship and volunteering.
We would love to hear from you. Please email us on
Action4Schools and WellFound Partnership
Action4Schools is a charity based in Gibraltar ( ) that aims to provide a better environment in schools and improve education in remote Sierra Leone. WellFound and Action4Schools share many of the same goals, such as providing a clean source of water, adequate sanitation facilities and improve health and wellbeing across SierraLeone. Therefore, in 2018 the two charities joined forces so that their actions turn hopes into reality.
Gibraltar charity Action4Schools to provide water to 4-5000 people in Sierra Leone in early 2022
WellFound Founder: Howard Measham
Action4Schools Founder: Jimmy Bruzon
WellFound and Action4Schools have fostered fantastic communication and cooperation, adhering to their mutual pledge of creating wells for clean and safe drinking water. Acrossnumerous projects, both teams continue to exchange valuable skills, knowledge and experience on ground. WellFound has also supported Action4Schools’ prior projects by inspecting some of their wells they created, in order to ensure they are functioning well. Meanwhile, Action4Schools has established links with numerous schools that WellFound has been in contact with.
Through their successful partnership, Action4Schools and WellFound have bought clean waterfor 27 remote schools and villages in Sierra Leone benefiting over 10,000 people.
1. Mokolloh
2. Mojanna
3. Moyibo (1)
4. Moyibo (2)
5. Robekeh
6. Orphanage School Rontoke
7. Mosawa
8. Ngeihun
9. Ics School, Mosam
10. Gbonjema (1)
11. Gbonjema (2)
12. Mofantaneh
13. Monsanto
14. Lipalai
15. Momaya
16. Borma
17. ICS School, Mosankone
18. UMC School, Mopaileh
19. UMC School, Mokelleh
20. MDEC School, Mokandor
21. Bonday
22. Moyengie
23. Rontoke
24. Mohaa
25. Bandajuma
26. Tengbelor
27. Motimpeh
… and counting!
With such a well-functioning and prosperous relationship, WellFound and Action4Schools’collaboration has continued to be efficient and effective. Both charities look forward to a lot moreplans and projects together.